My colleagues and I have submitted our formal response to the City Council Administration's controversial plans for the A4018 corridor and adjoining road network.
The public consultation on the suggested scheme, which aims to improve traffic flows on this main route (once the new housing and retail development on and around the former Filton Airfield has been delivered), officially closes on Sunday, 17th March.
Ever since these proposals were published in February, local councillors have voiced concerns about much of its content, particularly the removal of access/turning points at junctions, which critics maintain will only make current congestion problems and pollution in the north of the city a whole lot worse.
Our response details what we see as the main flaws identified in the proposed new layout which seems to ‘prioritise commuters from houses yet to be built over the needs of existing communities’ living in this part of Bristol.
The submission goes on to attack the failure to properly consult a wider geographical area – to include wards like Southmead - which would bear the brunt of displaced traffic diverted down its residential streets by newly created dog-legs and a warren of restricted or one-way vehicular movements.
Whilst I understand the motivation behind this remodelling, to ease congestion and encourage a shift onto public transport, these proposals are just dreadful.
In fact, if implemented, they offer no salvation at all. The current plan seems to entirely prioritise the travelling needs of commuters, especially those extra journeys generated by the new Filton Airfield development, at the expense of existing communities living in north Bristol.
The ideas outlined in the consultation will make the task of getting around the local road system much harder. Congestion and air pollution levels would be increased as a result of reducing road capacity for private vehicles and introducing 24/7 bus lanes. This is utter madness.
The few good things in consultation document like additional pedestrian crossings are vastly outweighed by all of the negatives contained within it – as confirmed by a majority of residents who have attended the crowded public meetings on this issue.
Consequently, we are calling on the Mayor, Cabinet Member for Transport and traffic planners to go back to the drawing board. It is vital that they work with local people and take advantage of their expertise to find practical solutions – which have some prospect of success – to the growing demands being placed on our finite road space.
These proposals have been influenced by wide spread conversations with local residents and community groups.